Scene 1:
- Opens at night: adds element of mystery and fear.
- Banquo's dream of the witches add to the supernatural elements
- Macbeth sililioquy main focus in the scene.
Scene 2:
- Macbeth having trouble sleeping -> he has murdered sleep
- Referring to himself as both Thane of Glamis and Cawdor may represent who he is now and who he used to be.
- Lady Macbeth appears more human; fear of getting caught (line 10)
Scene 3:
- Lady Macbeth acts shocked by death of Duncan; swooning, seen as fragile
- Malcom and Donalbain appear to act unemotional: intelligence before emotion, cowardly
- use of porter to open scene: adds comic element, reflection of macbeth's varying emotion, alcohol parallel to being King - drunk on power
- Suspicion falls on Donalbain and Malcom
- Macbeth appears to have got away with the murder
- Macbeth being made King is seen as a hasty decision - Ross and Macduff don' want to attend ceremony or swear allegiance